We returned in the New Year to a cold snap which gave us a great opportunity to learn about how to dress for winter to keep ourselves warm. Outside we found ice shapes and icicles and used our senses to explore, feeling the freezing cold ice, looking at the pretty patterns in the ice and listening to it crunch on the floor as we stomped on it. We looked at different shaped snowflakes and decorated our own paper snowflakes using pipettes to squeeze paint. We looked at wintery trees and used cotton buds to make snow effects.
We also learnt about animals from colder climates, using Duplo and Megablocks to make them homes and sorting them by size.
We enjoyed lots of visits to other parts of the school, borrowing books to take home as well as developing our gross motor skills riding the wiggle bikes in the hall.
January also saw the RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Count and we made seed bird feeders to take home to encourage birds to visit out own gardens. We also learnt about common garden birds in our birdwatching area. Our children also shared their findings by bringing in their charts from home to tell us which birds they saw.
One of our story focus’ this month was ‘Owl Babies’ and our children used some great vocabulary telling us what they already know about owls - “Owl are nocturnal”. The children observed photos of owls and painted their own, using great details and features.
In our child interest area, the children voted for Space, and we enjoyed lots of space related activities, including games that promoted turn taking and sharing.
The children also chose a horse and pony area and worked together using junk modelling to make them some stables to live in.
Our White Rose Maths focus was Space, Shape and Measure and we looked at the properties of the shaped blocks and used them to create our own models and pictures.
We finished the month with Chinese New Year and enjoyed lots of themed activities and role play learning about China, Chinese foods, costumes and the animals in the lunar calendar. We also made lanterns practising cutting and sticking as well as other craft activities celebrating the Year of the Snake. Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Image Gallery
Welcome back to Nursery. Please see below for our Spring Term newsletter.
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We started the festive season with a special delivery of a Christmas tree which the children helped decorate. Our story focus at the beginning of the month was ‘The Christmas Pine’ by Julia Donaldson which retells the journey of the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square. We shared photos of our own Christmas trees from home and the children confidently spoke about their own trees and decorations.
Our role play areas of a Post Office and Santa’s workshop gave the children an opportunity to play out different roles and improve communication with their peers whilst sharing their own experiences from home.
Lots of Christmas crafting took place where we made cards, collages and decorations as well as reindeer food to take home for Christmas Eve.
We practised our pencil control using festive stencils and used our pincer grips to peel stickers and decorate Christmas trees.
We learnt about the true meaning of Christmas by reading Rod Campbell’s ‘My First Nativity’, along with a small world nativity scene and matching game to expand their learning and vocabulary.
There was some great hand-eye coordination on display with our sensory tuff trays; mixing up a foam Santa, scooping a cereal Christmas pudding and making fragrant Christmas ‘tea’.
We also read ‘Stickman’ and made our own stick people from twigs we collected in the garden and play dough.
Fred the Frog helped the older children with their sounds playing Eye Spy games. Our giant Snowman was decorated with 2D shapes and the children uses some good positional and size language whilst decorating him. IImage Gallery
We returned from the Autumn half term and kicked off a busy November with some Halloween celebrations. The children worked collaboratively to follow a spooky recipe in the home corner, using their counting and number recognition skills. We also enjoyed looking at Halloween books and shared our own experiences from home.
This busy month also saw Bonfire Night. We made marks in a glittery tuff tray, copying patterns and creating some bright firework artwork using cardboard rolls.
We celebrated Remembrance Day learning about brave soldiers and using vegetables to print some poppy pictures. In our tuff tray we used various tools to scoop and weigh poppy coloured rice.
Children In Need gave the children an opportunity to engage in lots of Pudsey themed activities including lemon scented tuff trays and playdough.
We learnt about Road Safety, putting an emphasis on how the colours of the traffic lights give us instructions and help keep us safe. We also spoke about 2D shapes and their properties using cars to move around different shaped tracks.
In the library we enjoyed lots of stories and introduced Fred the frog who helps us during story time and with Read Write Inc games. Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Image Gallery
We started off October continuing to look for signs of Autumn, collecting leaves from the wider school environment and then matching them to a Leaf Identification sheet. Using some of the leaves we collected, we made Autumn crowns and wore them when singing our favourite seasonal song ‘Autumn leaves are falling down.’
We rolled conkers and pine cones in trays to create paint effects on paper leaves.
For World Mental Health Awareness Day we enjoyed a ‘Colour Monster’ themed tuff tray and spoke about colours and feelings. With the colour theme of the day being Yellow, we attempted to find yellow items across nursery, working together to fill a tuff tray. We read ‘Sometimes I Feel Sunny’ which explores the emotions that naturally occur in every young child's life.
We enjoyed a visit from the Fire Brigade and enthusiastically looked around the fire engine, which was the perfect fit for our children’s interest fire station area.
For Harvest Festival we learnt about food and where it comes from whilst playing the role of customers and shop keeper in our farm shop. We also made bread rolls and demonstrated great turn taking adding ingredients and mixing, as well as handling tools and using rolling pins.
We kicked off some early Diwali celebrations, tasting some delicious Malaysian food and smelling lots of different spices. We used scented playdough and decorated with Marigold flowers to create some fun festive designs.
In the library we looked at the works of our current school author, Julia Donaldson, exploring her many books and characters and listening to our favourite stories.
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We’ve had a busy September in nursery getting to know our new children and making new friends. We started the month talking about ourselves and our likes and dislikes and made collages that reflected our individual personalities.
We introduced the season of Autumn and discussed what we already know and what we’d like to learn. To help extend our understanding we have decorated and sent home Autumn treasure bags so we can collect items and return to nursery to show our friends.
We promoted our British values by using a voting system to choose our children’s interest role play area – the most votes went to a Fire station.
We introduced tooth brushing in nursery to promote good oral health and the children have done a great job keeping their teeth clean.
One of our stories this month was ‘The Gruffalo’ and we enjoyed lots of themed activities. Down the woods we went on a Gruffalo hunt, looking for the characters in their habitatsImage Gallery
A warm welcome back to those of you who were with us last year and a huge 'hello' to our new children.
Everyone has settled well into the Nursery and our key workers are getting to know their children. Please see below for the latest newsletter!
Mrs Miller, Mrs Symons and Mrs Gates.
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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
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We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.