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Head's Blog   Week Ending 7th March

Posted 07/03/2025
by Lynn Cox

A busy week at Copper Valley!

What an incredibly busy week it has been. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. It was so lovely to see so many children dressed up as characters from books. They enjoyed lots of stories being read to them during the day and loved discussing their favourite books.
Friday was a very special day as we held our first ever Career Fair at the Infant and Nursery school. Our Year 5 and Year 6 joined us for a day finding out about a range of jobs. The children found out, first hand, what it takes to become a vet, a health and safety consultant, a tanker delivery driver, a dog groomer, an engineer, a dog walker  and Taekwondo teachers. Evaluations from the children were overwhelmingly positive and the adults leading the sessions were very complimentary of the pupils.
I would like to send a massive thanks to the volunteers we gave up their day to lead the sessions, all the staff for supervising the groups and a special thanks to Mrs Wright who, with Mr Wright, ensured that the appropriate risk assessments were in place for the event. Mrs Wright also contacted the participants and organised the complex timetable.
We hope that this will be an annual event as it was so valuable to see our children inspired by the adults from the workplace.
We ended the day with some Cornish dancing and a beautiful dance solo by Ivy Symons from Year 6. 
Our enterprising pupils Bella, Harper, Georgia and Charlie made £55 selling drinks and cakes in aid of Gables animal shelter- thank you for supporting them and well done to you- what a lovely, thoughtful act.
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.


Year 2   February 2025

Posted 28/02/2025
by Sarah Evans

February was a short month with half term but we still managed to have fun learning new things.

After half term we introduced our new question - 'Where Do We Live?'. We wrote some questions about what we would like to find out including 'Where does the Tamar river start and finish?'.
Then we learnt about the difference between physical and human features to help us when exploring our local area.
In DT we completed our aeroplanes, have a look at the photos, they are fabulous!
In music we are learning to play the glockenspiel. We have learnt how to play B and A and we are hoping to be able to play 'Hot Cross Buns' in time for Easter!
In art we have started a new unit on drawing and sketchbooks. This week we practised drawing different types of lines and patterns.
In literacy we have been writing poems based on the book 'I Love Bugs' by Emma Dodd. We wrote some amazing poems of our own called 'I Love Pets.'


Year 1   February 2025

Posted 28/02/2025
by Rachel Tomkins

In science we have continued to learn about different groups of vertebrates and their characteristics. We sorted animals by vertebrate group and by their diet. We have also written fact files about animals including lots of scientific language. 
In maths we have been focusing on calculations using numbers within 20. In our Mastering Number sessions we have been exploring odd and even numbers.
We have concluded our geography learning about 'What will you fins where the land meets the sea' by reflecting on how human activity is changing what we can find at the water's edge. We read a story called 'Clean Up!' and saw videos and images of the effect plastic pollution is having on the sea and the animals that live in it.
In art we have created paintings in the style of the abstract artist Alma Thomas. It has been great fun to experiment with her style and to use a combination of brush painting and printing with paints to achieve the final pieces we are happy with. We are now moving onto the skill of collage. We have begun this with a class collage of the sunset over the sea. We chose cool colours for the sea and warm colours for the sun and sunset sky. 
February also brought us Online Safety Day. This fit well with our term's computing learning which has been all about online safety. We have used the Digiduck stories from Childnet as a way to explore the themes of online safety.
We now have a new history big question 'How do we know about dinosaurs?'. We have already discovered that special scientists called paleontologists learn about prehistoric creatures like dinosaurs through studying fossils.


Reception   February 2025

Posted 25/02/2025
by Claire Martin

We've been learning about what homes were like in the past. We talked about our kitchens now and the appliances we have in them. We discussed the fact that many of these need electricity in order to work. We then watched a short video about kitchens in the past. We talked about things that were different to our kitchens now. We learnt about how people washed their clothes using a dolly peg, washboard and mangle. We then moved on to talking about bathrooms. We watched another short video about bath time in the past and talked about the fact that most houses didn’t have a bathroom. We then sorted objects into two different sets according to whether they are found in our homes now or were found in them in the past.

We've also been learning about Chinese New Year. We listened to a story about how the years came to be named after 12 different animals. We watched a short video about how families celebrate Chinese New Year. We found out that this year is the year of the snake so we made snake masks and puppets.

In RE we talked about places that are special to us and why they are special. We talked about the fact that churches are special places for Christians. We looked at some photographs of churches and some of the objects found inside them. We also watched a short video showing some of the features of a church. We then visited our local church and drew some of the features.

In maths, we've been learning about doubles. We've been practising what we've learnt during continuous provision. We've sorted dominoes according to whether they're doubles or not, made playdough spots for the ladybirds and drawn spots on butterflies to make doubles. During some of our lessons we learnt how to compare the weight of objects and how to use balances to identify which is the heaviest and which is the lightest. We then used the balances to weigh the fruit and vegetables when selling food on the market stall.

The children have been really enjoying the school role play area. They've been brilliant at taking on the role of the teacher. They've been using what they've learnt in handwriting, maths and phonics to teach and help each other.

After half term we focused on activities to develop the children's perseverance. I gave the children some challenges to have a go at. These included throwing a ball in the air and catching it with one hand, balancing a ball on a bat and walking across the hall, making a card house and bouncing a ball into a cup. They also had some that involved working together with a partner. These included walking along with a large ball pressed against their backs and keeping a hoop between them as they moved around. Most children found these activities very difficult but they kept on trying. We talked about how they were being determined like a dung beetle. We also talked about how they felt when they managed to achieve what they set out to do.


Year 2   January 2025

Posted 18/02/2025
by Sarah Evans

January was an exciting month with our trip to Ferry Farm.
We got to meet the animals and find out how they are looked after and how farming can co-exist in harmony with wildlife.
We also had fun in the woods collecting treasures and hunting for animal habitats.
When we got back to school we were able to look very closely at our treasures under our new microscopes that Mrs Cox bought us.
We also explored eggs that we collected from the farm. We boiled some and compared them to raw eggs which was a very smelly but fun and interesting session. This linked to our work on lifecycles. We looked at lifecycles of humans, frogs and butterflies and we can all explain what the word 'metamorphosis' means!

In history we have been learning about Amelia Earhart. We wrote down questions we wanted to find out the answers to and then we learnt about her life and her achievements. We looked at early attempts to fly and compared the Wright brothers glider to a modern aeroplane.
We also managed to sequence flying machines throughout the ages.

In DT we have designed our own aeroplanes to make using recycled materials. We are looking forward to finishing them but it will take a while with all the different stages we need to work through.



Head's Blog   Week ending 14th February 2025

Posted 13/02/2025
by Lynn Cox

Half Term Arrives!

We have reached the mid point of the academic year. The Valentine's disco on Thursday night was really well attended and the children had a great time. Thank you to Mrs Wright, Mrs Feakins, Mrs Trapp, Miss Evans and Mrs Speare for running the event.
Our picture book author (and illustrator) of the half term, for the second half of the Spring term, is Lauren Child. You might know her for her 'Charlie and Lola' books. Keep an eye on the school Facebook page as staff will be reading some of her books.
I hope that you have a great time with your families.


Head's Blog   Week Ending 7th February 2025

Posted 09/02/2025
by Lynn Cox

Latest Head's Blog

At the end of last week some of our Year 3 and Year 4 took place in part in a multi skills festival. They all reported back that they had a great time and they represented the school fantastically.
Last week the Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 were treated to a special assembly about rivers and science - delivered by two scientists (Alice and Reg) from Exeter University. The children learnt about the ways in which scientists test water quality in order to keep our river water safe. The Year 4 class are going to be taking part in a Freshwater Monitoring project with a focus on the River Tamar in Gunnislake.
Congratulations also to a group of our Y4 children  who represent the Junior school in the Bridge Dodgeball Tournament at Callywith College. Mrs Hannaford and Mrs Pearce, who accompanied them to the tournament, were so impressed with the ways in which they showed excellent sportsmanship throughout the competition. Mrs Hannaford also accompanied our mixed football team to the Arena tournament in Callington where they lost one match and drew the other. Fantastic effort to all!
Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 learnt some of the important basics of First Aid this week. They learnt how to operate a defibrillator and perform CPR-. They were rewarded with some lovely certificates, which were presented during Friday's celebration assembly.
Thank you to all of you who sent in your unwanted clothes for the Bag2School initiative. We raised £30! Thank you also to those of you who have already signed up on the Easy Fundraising website every time you shop online through this website you will make money for both schools and it won't cost you a penny extra!
We are collecting Easter egg donations for the children in Petrykivka, Ukraine. If you are able to donate an egg then can you send it into school by 26th February.
Wow are now collecting any unwanted items for a Jumble Sale to be held in the Junior base on Saturday 8th March.
A reminder that Friday 14th February is an INSET day and the school will not be open for pupils on that day.


Nursery   January 2025

Posted 06/02/2025
by Lynn Cox

We returned in the New Year to a cold snap which gave us a great opportunity to learn about how to dress for winter to keep ourselves warm. Outside we found ice shapes and icicles and used our senses to explore, feeling the freezing cold ice, looking at the pretty patterns in the ice and listening to it crunch on the floor as we stomped on it. We looked at different shaped snowflakes and decorated our own paper snowflakes using pipettes to squeeze paint. We looked at wintery trees and used cotton buds to make snow effects.

We also learnt about animals from colder climates, using Duplo and Megablocks to make them homes and sorting them by size. 


We enjoyed lots of visits to other parts of the school, borrowing books to take home as well as developing our gross motor skills riding the wiggle bikes in the hall.


January also saw the RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Count and we made seed bird feeders to take home to encourage birds to visit out own gardens. We also learnt about common garden birds in our birdwatching area. Our children also shared their findings by bringing in their charts from home to tell us which birds they saw. 


One of our story focus’ this month was ‘Owl Babies’ and our children used some great vocabulary telling us what they already know about owls  - “Owl are nocturnal”. The children observed photos of owls and painted their own, using great details and features.

In our child interest area, the children voted for Space, and we enjoyed lots of space related activities, including games that promoted turn taking and sharing.

The children also chose a horse and pony area and worked together using junk modelling to make them some stables to live in.

Our White Rose Maths focus was Space, Shape and Measure and we looked at the properties of the shaped blocks and used them to create our own models and pictures.

We finished the month with Chinese New Year and enjoyed lots of themed activities and role play learning about China, Chinese foods, costumes and the animals in the lunar calendar. We also made lanterns practising cutting and sticking as well as other craft activities celebrating the Year of the Snake. Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 


ARC   January

Posted 05/02/2025
by Johanna Thomas

January in the ARC

Our topic this half term has been vehicles and journeys. We have been learning about different types of vehicles, listening to vehicle stories and taking different modes of transport. 

Last Tuesday we took a train trip to Bere Ferres from Gunnislake. When we were at the station we were lucky enough to have a ride on the steam train that sits at the station. It looks quite different on the inside to the trains that we have today. When the ride was over, we ate our packed lunches while sitting in the carriage. 

In Art we began the the term with colour mixing circles. We then used the circles to create vehicle collages. We think they look fantastic!

Next week we will be taking a bus trip to Tavistock. We will get a chance to play at the park and have a picnic packed lunch. 

This might sound like fun but there is actually so much learning involved when we take a day out. The children have to use checklists to get themselves ready for the trip which encourages independence. We are practicing road safety skills, communication skills ( asking for tickets and liaising with the public). We can also practice our self regulation during a visit out. There are some things that our some of our children struggle with (- e.g walking past a dog.) When we go out regularly, we have a chance to support our children with the things they find tricky and often it desensitizes them so that it is no longer a big problem. 


Year 1   January 2025

Posted 04/02/2025
by Rachel Tomkins

Happy New Year! 
This half term our big question is 'What do you find where the land meets the sea?' We have been learning the names and positions of the continents and oceans and have re-capped the countries that make up the United Kingdom.
We have started to learn about an abstract artist called  Alma Thomas. Through her work we have learnt about primary and secondary colours. We have also tried to create pictures in her style.
In maths we have been learning to read, write order and compare numbers to 20.


Reception   January 2025

Posted 31/01/2025
by Claire Martin

We've been learning about winter and the changes that occur. We started by looking at the trees and then moved onto talking about the weather with a particular focus on ice. We predicted what we thought would happen when we added cold water, hot water and salt to ice cubes. We then observed what happened and talked about whether our predictions were correct. We were challenged to see if we could pick up the ice cubes using string. We also investigated what happened when we painted the ice. We added salt and paint to see what happened. 

We learnt how to use different colour and different sized brushes on a drawing app to draw bare winter trees and snowmen.

We then looked at maps. We started off by looking at a map of the United Kingdom. We looked at where England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales were located. We also identified Cornwall and discussed the fact that this is the county that we live in. We then looked at a map of our local area. We identified our school, the roads, fields, houses and woods. We then switched the map view to an aerial photograph and compared the two. Next, we looked at a map of Gunnislake and identified the features that were the same as the area around our school. We also identified where the river was and the bridge that crosses over it. We drew our own maps. We thought carefully about the colours and shapes used on the maps we had looked at to show the different features. Later in the week we compared where we live to Plymouth. We talked about Plymouth and whether the children had been there. We discussed what it was like. Were there any things that were the same as our school area? Were there any differences? We looked at a map of Plymouth city centre and compared it to the map of our local area. We then sorted some of the features found in the two different places.

Next we learnt about people in our community who help us. We looked at a poster showing lots of different people who help us. We identified the people and discussed what they do and how they help us. We then took part in various activities throughout the week which helped us learn more about some of these people. We learnt about some of the people who work in hospitals such as doctors, nurses, surgeons and receptionists. We then made a hospital and took on some of the roles of these people. The children were really caring towards each other. This was also a great opportunity for the children to practise their writing as they made notes about their patients symptoms and treatments. We watched a short video about firefighters and learnt how it's really important that they stay fit and healthy in order to do their job. We talked about the importance of smoke alarms in our houses to warn us if a fire starts and what to do if this happened. 

Some of the children showed an interest in the job of scientists. We talked about the fact that there are lots of different types of scientists but they all try to find things out. During our forest school session we pretended to be scientists who could make special potions to help people. The children then collected ingredients to put in their potions and talked about how they would help people. They had some fantastic ideas!

In PE we've been practising finding our own space using the cones. We've also practised moving in lots of different ways, such as sidestepping, crawling, jogging and skipping, taking care to avoid bumping into anyone or anything. We've learnt how to make some gymnastic shapes with our bodies. Some of these included the straddle, pike, arch and dish. We've also been practising how to balance on various parts of our body.

In maths we've been learning about the composition of numbers. We've been learning how to make 6, 7 and 8 by adding 1, 2 and 3 onto 5. We've also ordered numbers. The children have been brilliant at practising these skills independently during continuous provision. One of the activities they've particularly enjoyed has been carrying out surveys to find out what their friends favourite pets and foods are. They carefully recorded the children's choices and then counted the totals. They were then able to say which was the most and least popular using the language more and fewer.

Our phonics learning continues everyday and many of the children have now moved onto reading and writing short sentences. We're also learning to read and spell words with four sounds. I've been really impressed with how they've been trying really hard to form all their letters correctly with many children now able to write neatly on lines.


Head's Blog   Week ending 24th January 2025

Posted 24/01/2025
by Sarah Sanson

Head's Blog

As we reach the end of a busy couple of weeks I just wanted to let you know about some of the highlights and some reminders.
Year 2 enjoyed a fantastic trip to Ferry Farm in Calstock last Friday. They really enjoyed learning about the animals on the farm and exploring different habitats. This visit was linked into their Science learning about different types of habitats.
The Year 3/4 football team, with their wonderful coach Mrs Hannaford, travelled to the local Arena School League on two occasions. They showed great improvement in their playing and scored some fantastic goals. Mrs Hannaford is delighted with their progress. I want to publicly thank Mrs Hannaford for, not only coaching the team, but also driving them to fixtures in the minibus.
A couple of reminders about how you can support the schools with some recent fundraising initiatives. Firstly, we are collecting unwanted clothes, shoe, handbags etc. for Bag2school. These items can be sent into school in bin bags. Please send any bags into school by 4th February. 
Do you shop online? Amazon? Supermarket delivery? Buying insurance? If so, you can help to support the schools in one easy step. Just sign up to and look for the school. There is no charge to do so and every time you shop you raise funds for the school as long as you remember to visit the easy fundraising website first. Your items will not be more expensive by shopping in this way. We already have 23 supporters but it would be great to have more. etc.
We still discover lots of unnamed uniform/drinks bottles/hats in lost property. To try to alleviate this we have teamed up with 'Tiger Tags'. If you visit their website at you can design labels for your child (either stickers or iron-on) They are competitively priced at £12.95 for 52 labels or only £16.95 for 52 iron-on labels and 52 stickers. For every order you make and link to the school with code 5577, the school will receive £1. 
I hope that you all enjoy the weekend.


Year 2   January 2025

Posted 14/01/2025
by Sarah Evans

Happy New Year and welcome back to school!

It was lovely to see the children back to school today, refreshed and ready to learn.
Please see the newsletter attached to find out what we will be learning about this half term.


Year 2   December 2024

Posted 14/01/2025
by Sarah Evans

We really enjoyed December for many reasons but mainly due to performing our play 'Christmas with the Aliens'.
It was hard work and we needed to practise lots but it was a really spectacular performance enjoyed by many of our families and friends.
It built up our confidence with speaking in front of an audience and despite some nerves, we totally smashed it!

In Science we carried on learning about habitats and learnt about the creatures that live in polar and desert habitats.

In literacy we were learning the story 'The Elves and the Shoemaker'. We really enjoyed writing about what our naughty elves had been up to in school and at home. 

Finally, as a Christmas treat, we had our annual trip to the theatre to watch Raymond Briggs 'Father Christmas'.
Some of us had never been to the theatre before and it was a wonderful, magical experience. We even had snow!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again in 2025!


Year 2   November 2024

Posted 14/01/2025
by Sarah Evans

November was another busy month!

Our new question was 'What festivals happen around the world in the Autumn?'
We have located different countries and continents on the map and had great fun exploring atlases and maps.

We learnt about Diwali and how this is celebrated in many countries. We linked this to our healthy eating in DT and made mango lassi. We really enjoyed making and tasting this!

We also learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and discussed how it is celebrated in the UK. We made some great firework pictures on the I-Pads learning how to select different colours and different sized brushes.

In Science we started to explore different habitats. We learnt about oceans and rainforests and thought about how the creatures that live there adapt to living in that environment.

We also completed a local history project which helped us to find out why we decided to change our name to Copper Valley Academy.
We explored maps of the local area and looked at pictures of locals towns and villages that we know, mainly those linked to copper mining.
We created some amazing watercolour paintings of these places.


Nursery   January 2025

Posted 14/01/2025
by Lynn Cox

Spring Term 2025

Welcome back to Nursery. Please see below for our Spring Term newsletter.


Reception   Spring 2025

Posted 11/01/2025
by Claire Martin

Welcome back! I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas. Please see the newsletter for this term below.


Head's Blog   Week ending 10th January 2025

Posted 09/01/2025
by Lynn Cox

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Welcome back to school and 2025! I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas with your families. I wanted to thank you all for supporting our Christmas events last term- it was so wonderful to see so many of you- especially at the magical Christingle and Carol Service.
You will remember that back in October we asked for donations so that we could make up some shoe boxes to send to Ukraine for the children to open at Christmas. Calstock parish council have arranged a twinning between this area and a town called Petrykivka and have sent us some lovely photographs of the children with their boxes. They send a huge 'Thank you' to everyone who donated items to give them a lovely Christmas surprise!
Look out for the latest newsletter coming to you via email soon- it contains dates for this term and details of fundraising.


Reception   December 2024

Posted 06/01/2025
by Claire Martin

We've been learning about the animals that live in cold places. We looked at a globe and found the Arctic and Antarctica. We then sorted the animals according to where they live. We learnt some facts about these animals and had fun playing with them in our small world area. The children were challenged to write a list of five animals they might see if they went to the Arctic. I was impressed that they all remembered that penguins don't live there. We listened to a story about Hunter the polar bear who had to be rescued from a rocky ledge and flown back to his home in the Arctic. 

We looked at photographs of the Northern Lights and watched a short video clip. We then used chalk and pastels to create our own representations of them.

In maths we've been continuing to practise our subitising skills and number bonds to 5. We've also been learning about patterns and the children have been busy continuing repeating patterns using paint, chains and cubes.

We've been focusing on reading and writing CVC words using the letter sounds we've learnt so far this term. The children have really enjoyed hunting for the CVC pictures that I placed around the room. Many of the children were able to sound out the words independently and write them on their clipboards.

We've also been busy practising our nativity. The children were very brave to get up on the stage in front of an audience of their family and friends. 


Year 1   December 2024

Posted 05/01/2025
by Rachel Tomkins

What a lovely month of celebration and learning. 
The children did a fantastic job of learning lines and songs for the Key Stage One Nativity show which was a joy to watch. 
In maths we spent some weeks consolidating what we have learnt so far this term and really working on the rapid recall of number binds within 10.
We learnt abut the season of winter and used this as a subject for some descriptive writing. 
The term was rounded off with a special Christingle assembly shared with families.


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